
In dienst
Onder Nederlandse Vlag tussen:0000-00-00 / 0000-00-00

Identification Data

Bouwjaar: 1996
Classification Register: Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
IMO nummer: 8918710
Nat. Official Number: 6937 Z G 2001
Categorie: Cargo vessel
Voorstuwing: Motor Vessel
Type: General Cargo schip
Masten: Gearless
Material Hull: Steel
Dekken: 1
Construction Data

Scheepsbouwer: Neptun Reperaturwerk G.m.b.H., Rostock, Germany
Contractor: Severney Shipbuilding Yard, St. Petersburg (Russia), Russia
Werfnummer: 434
Date Laid Down: 1991-12-28
Launch Date: 1996-04-05
Delivery Date: 1996-07-00
Technical Data

Engine Manufacturer: AO Bryanskiy Mashinostroitelnyy Zavod (BMZ), Bryansk, Russia
Motor Type: Motor, Oil, 2-stroke single-acting
Number of Cylinders: 6
Power: 3360
Power Unit: kW
Eng. additional info: B&W Type 6L35MC (350x1050)
Speed in knots: 12
Number of screws: 1
Gross Tonnage: 5622.00 Gross tonnage
Net Tonnage: 2363.00 Net tonnage
Deadweight: 7000.00 tonnes deadweight (1000 kg)
Grain: 7760 Cubic Meters
Teu: 342
Length 1: 108.75 Meters Length overall (Loa)
Length 2: 100.00 Meters Length between perpendiculars (Lbp)
Beam: 17.80 Meters Breadth, moulded
Depth: 9.00 Meters Depth, moulded
Draught: 7.200 Meters Draught, maximum
Ship History Data

Date/Name Ship 1996-05-00 KLOSTERTAL
Manager: Oesterreichischer Lloyd Ship Management G.m.b.H. & Co. K.G., Wenen, Austria
Eigenaar: Krohn Schiffahrts G.m.b.H. & Co. K.G., Wien, Austria
Homeport / Flag: Wien / Austria
Callsign: OENU

Date/Name Ship 2002-01-00 KLOSTERTAL
Manager: Flagship Management B.V., Farmsum, Groningen, Netherlands
Eigenaar: Rederij K & T Holland C.V., Farmsum, Groningen, Netherlands
Homeport / Flag: Delfzijl / Netherlands
Callsign: PBFA

Date/Name Ship 2012-07-10 KLOS C
Manager: Whitesea Shipping & Trading Co. Ltd.
Eigenaar: Whitesea Shipping & Trading Co. Ltd.
Homeport / Flag: Panama / Panama R.P.
Callsign: 3FWB8

Date/Name Ship 2014-06-00 MADRA
Manager: Madra Marine Co. Ltd., Majuro, Marshall Islands
Eigenaar: Madra Marine Co. Ltd., Majuro, Marshall Islands
Homeport / Flag: Belize City / Belize (British Honduras)
Callsign: V3PZ2

Ship Events Data

1996-04-05: Op 05-04-1996 te water als "Ötztal", op 28-05-1996 herdoopt Klostertal.
2014-03-05: Israeli naval force intercepted ship full of missiles. Israeli naval forces boarded the "Klos C" in the Red Sea, as the ship was sailing to Port Sudan on Mar 5, 2014, in the morning. The vessel with a crew of 17 was boarded by Israeli naval forces around 1,500 kilometers south of Israel off the coast of Eritrea and Sudan. The crew put up no resistance and no one was injured in the operation. The ship was full of weaponry bound for Palestinian terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip. The weaponry on board included dozens of M-302 missiles, which were hidden inside cement containers. The weapons were originally flown from Syria to Iran. From Iran, they were shipped by boat to Iraq. The shipment was intercepted as it was being moved by boat from Iraq to Sudan, from where the weapons were to have been smuggled overland to Gaza. The interception occurred shortly before the shipment was due to arrive in Port Sudan. It was not known whether the crew of the "Klos C" was aware of the weaponry on board. Israeli intelligence had been monitoring the arms shipment for many weeks. The shipment was first discovered several months ago when intelligence learned of Syrian-made M-302 missiles being flown from the international airport in Damascus to Tehran, under the direction of Iran's Al-Quds force. From Tehran, the weapons were moved to the southern Iranian port city of Bandar Abbas. In Bandar Abbas, the weapons were loaded on board along with cement containers. The "Klos C" sailed from Bandar Abbas to the Iraqi port city of Umm Qasr, where additional cement containers were brought on board. The ship then set sail for Port Sudan. The Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz commanded Wednesday's operation from IDF headquarters in Tel Aviv, while Israeli Navy Commander Vice Adm. Ram Rothberg oversaw the interception from a forward command post. The "Klos C" was towed to Eilat.
2014-12-10: Final Fate:
Op 02-12-2014 te Aliga aangekomen. 10-12-2014 op het strand gezet om gesloopt te worden door Aliağa Gemi Geri Dönüşüm Tic. Ltd. Şti.


Omschrijving: KLOSTERTAL
Collectie: Lindenborn, Marien
Vervaardiger: Kleyn, R. (Ruud)

Omschrijving: KLOSTERTAL bij Vlissingen 31 oktober 1996
Collectie: Anderiesse, Jan H.
Vervaardiger: Anderiesse, Piet J.

Omschrijving: KLOSTERTAL op 21-06-2003 in het Scheur.
Collectie: Bolhuis, R.J. van (Riemer)
Vervaardiger: Bolhuis, Riemer J. van

Omschrijving: KLOSTERTAL op 21-06-2003 in het Scheur.
Collectie: Bolhuis, R.J. van (Riemer)
Vervaardiger: Bolhuis, Riemer J. van

Omschrijving: KLOSTERTAL uitgaand Nieuw Waterweg 29 maart 2006
Collectie: Grootenboer, Ton
Vervaardiger: Grootenboer, Ton

Omschrijving: KLOSTERTAL inkomend op de Nieuwe Waterweg 20 oktober 2009
Collectie: Grootenboer, Ton
Vervaardiger: Grootenboer, Ton