
In dienst
Onder Nederlandse Vlag tussen:0000-00-00 / 0000-00-00

Identification Data

Bouwjaar: 1996
Classification Register: Bureau Veritas (BV)
IMO nummer: 9142629
Nat. Official Number: 6213 Z G 1996
Categorie: Cargo vessel
Voorstuwing: Motor Vessel
Type: General Cargo schip
Masten: Gearless
Material Hull: Steel
Dekken: 1
Construction Data

Scheepsbouwer: Scheepswerf Ferus Smit B.V., Westerbroek, Groningen, Netherlands
Werfnummer: 307
Launch Date: 1996-11-02
Delivery Date: 1996-12-06
Technical Data

Engine Manufacturer: Wärtsilä Finland Oy, Vaasa/Vasa, Finland
Motor Type: Motor, Oil, 4-stroke single-acting
Number of Cylinders: 6
Power: 2460
Power Unit: kW
Eng. additional info: Wartsila Type 6R32E (320x350)
Speed in knots: 13
Number of screws: 1
Gross Tonnage: 2800.00 Gross tonnage
Net Tonnage: 1656.00 Net tonnage
Deadweight: 5398.00 tonnes deadweight (1000 kg)
Grain: 5990 Cubic Meters
Length 1: 89.00 Meters Length overall (Loa BB)
Length 2: 84.99 Meters Length between perpendiculars (Lbp)
Beam: 13.40 Meters Breadth, extreme
Depth: 8.80 Meters Depth, moulded
Draught: 7.000 Meters Draught, maximum
Ship History Data

Date/Name Ship 1996-12-00 SNOW STAR
Manager: Marin Ship Management B.V., Farmsum, Groningen, Netherlands
Eigenaar: Snow Star C.V., Delfzijl, Groningen, Netherlands
Shareholder: Erik Thun A/B
Homeport / Flag: Delfzijl / Netherlands
Callsign: PHQP

Date/Name Ship 2015-10-00 SNOW STAR
Manager: Marin Ship Management B.V., Farmsum, Groningen, Netherlands
Eigenaar: Thunrederier A/B, Lidköping, Sweden
Homeport / Flag: Delfzijl / Netherlands
Callsign: PHQP

Date/Name Ship 2021-02-12 SNOW STARS
Manager: Rana Denizcilik Nakliyat Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd Sti, Istanbul, Turkey
Eigenaar: Froggos Shipping Inc., Istanbul, Turkey
Homeport / Flag: St. John's (Antigua) / Antigua & Barbuda
Callsign: V2QV6

Date/Name Ship 2023-06-00 SNOW STARS
Manager: Rana Denizcilik Nakliyat Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd Sti, Palau, Palau (Republic of)
Eigenaar: Rana Denizcilik Nakliyat Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd Sti, Palau, Palau (Republic of)
Homeport / Flag: Palau / Palau (Republic of)
Callsign: T8A4035

Ship Events Data

2011-10-19: On Oct 19th 2011, the SNOW STAR spilt large amounts of heavy oil in the port of Gävle and the Gävle Bight. The spill may have caused major damage in the marine environment and was the largest spill in the harbor for many years. The loss was estimated to be five to seven cubic meters. The Rescue Service has drained most of the heavy fuel now and the situation was under control. Small oil spill were found on Oct 20 around Heros Ground in the Ytter Bay. The SNOW STAR had called at the port of Gävle in the early morning of Oct 14 to unload ore concentrates. On Oct 19 morning the Coast Guard discovered an oil spill in the Falkenberg's port. The SNOW STAR was suspected to have caused it but could leave the port before the Coast Guard was on scene. The vessel was later located underway to Gävle, where the captain himself announced that he discovered an oil spill. A Coast Guard flight had already noticed an oil accumulation in the fairway towards the port of Gävle and was about to board the SNOW STAR. Quite a lot of oil was discovered in a valve. In addition to the Coast Guard also the police was on scene. A preliminary investigation was initiated and the case forwarded to the Environmental Prosecutor in Gothenburg. In Gavle the Coast Guard continued investigations including taken samples in the Gävle Bight.


Omschrijving: SNOW STAR te water op 02-11-1996.
Collectie: Strojenga, Martin
Vervaardiger: Strojenga, M. (Martin)
Onderwerp: Tewaterlating

Omschrijving: SNOW STAR Cittavechia 11 oktober 2009
Collectie: Grootenboer, Ton
Vervaardiger: Grootenboer, Ton
Onderwerp: Havenopname

Omschrijving: SNOW STAR Cittavechia 11 oktober 2009
Collectie: Grootenboer, Ton
Vervaardiger: Grootenboer, Ton
Onderwerp: Havenopname

Omschrijving: SNOW STAR Cittavechia 11 oktober 2009
Collectie: Grootenboer, Ton
Vervaardiger: Grootenboer, Ton
Onderwerp: Havenopname

Omschrijving: SNOW STAR inkomend voor Herøya, Noorwegen op 09-05-2010.
Collectie: Onbekend
Vervaardiger: Østberg-Jacobsen, Thomas

Omschrijving: SNOW STAR op de Eems inkomend Delfzijl op 29-12-2013.
Collectie: Olinga, Frits J.
Vervaardiger: Olinga, F.J. (Frits)

Omschrijving: SNOW STAR op 12-04-2017 op de Westerschelde bij Vlissingen.
Collectie: -
Vervaardiger: Horn, L. van der (Lucien)

Omschrijving: SNOW STAR inkomend Eemshaven 29 juni 2020.
Collectie: Olinga, Frits J.
Vervaardiger: Olinga, F.J. (Frits)
Onderwerp: Havenopname

Omschrijving: SNOW STAR op de Westerschelde
Collectie: Anderiesse, Jan H.
Vervaardiger: Anderiesse, Jan H.

Omschrijving: SNOW STARS op 12-03-2022 in het Scheur mij Maassluis.
Collectie: -
Vervaardiger: Blankwaard, Patrick

Omschrijving: SNOW STARS Maasvlakte inboud Rotterdam 30 oktober 2022
Collectie: -
Vervaardiger: van Rijn, Hannes
Onderwerp: Zeeopname