
In dienst
Onder Nederlandse Vlag tussen:0000-00-00 / 0000-00-00

Identification Data

Bouwjaar: 2011
Classification Register: Lloyd's Register of Shipping (LR)
IMO nummer: 9469388
Nat. Official Number: 23176 Z 2011
Categorie: Cargo vessel
Voorstuwing: Motor Vessel
Type: Vracht-/passagiersschip
Material Hull: Steel
Construction Data

Scheepsbouwer: Samsung Shipbuilding & Heavy Industries Co. Ltd., Koje, Korea (South)
Werfnummer: 1808
Launch Date: 2011-01-22
Delivery Date: 2011-09-19
Technical Data

Motor Type: Motor, Oil, 4-stroke single-acting
Number of Cylinders: 9
Power: 29376
Power Unit: BHP (APK, RPK)
Power kw: 21880
Eng. additional info: 2 x STX MAN 9L48/60B (480x600)
Speed in knots: 22
Number of screws: 2
Gross Tonnage: 33690.00 Gross tonnage
Net Tonnage: 8423.00 Net tonnage
Deadweight: 9299.00 tons deadweight (1016 kg)
Length 1: 212.00 Meters Length overall (Loa)
Length 2: 194.80 Meters Length between perpendiculars (Lbp)
Beam: 26.70 Meters Breadth, moulded
Depth: 15.50 Meters Depth, moulded
Draught: 6.30 Meters Draught, maximum
1st 2nd 3rd Steerage Deck Total
0 0 0 0 0 300
Ship History Data

Date/Name Ship 2011-09-19 STENA TRANSIT
Manager: Stena Line B.V., Hoek van Holland, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Eigenaar: Stena North Sea Ltd., Clydebank, Great Britain
Homeport / Flag: Rotterdam / Netherlands
Callsign: PHJU

Ship Events Data

2011-11-00: 01-11-2011 gearriveerd te Hoek van Holland vanaf de werf via Gibraltar, 02-11-2011 gearriveerd te Schiedam voor afwerking en aanpassing, 08-11-2011 1e reis van Hoek van Holland naar Killingholme, 15-11-2011 doopplechtigheid door Jeanette Baljeu (wethouder van de haven van Rotterdam).
2015-06-19: Fire on ferry off Grimsby. On June 19, 2015, at 9.26 p.m. the lifeboat "Pride of the Humber" from Humber RNLI were tasked by the HM Coastguard to go and stand by the "STENA TRANSIT" which was suffering an engine room fire. The vessel had 180 persons on board so the lifeboat made best speed to its location anchored in the shipping channel just off Grimsby. Once on scene the lifeboat made preparations in case an evacuation was necessary. All persons on board were accounted for and the vessels own engineers were investigating if the fire was extinguished. Two tug boats from Immingham were also sent to the scene while the Coastguard constantly liaised with the vessel on any developments. It was established that the fire had been extinguished and nobody was in need of any medical assistance. The tug boats and lifeboat still stood by while the vessels crew ventilated the area and could asses if there was any damage; they could then potentially get their systems up and running again. After approximately 1,5 hours the lifeboat was stood down from the scene. The ferry which was coming from Rotterdam, berthed in Immingham on June 20 at 7.20 a.m.


Omschrijving: STENA TRANSIT op 10-12-2014 inkomend de Nieuwe Waterweg.
Collectie: Onbekend
Vervaardiger: Torn, Kees

Omschrijving: STENA TRANSIT op 02-10-2015 inkomend de Nieuwe Waterweg.
Collectie: Onbekend
Vervaardiger: Klooster, Jan van der

Omschrijving: STENA TRANSIT op 12-10-2015 op het Noordzeekanaal.
Collectie: Onbekend
Vervaardiger: Coster, Marcel

Omschrijving: STENA TRANSIT aan de veersteiger te Hoek van Holland, 24 augustus 2019
Collectie: Inpijn, Pieter
Vervaardiger: Inpyn, Pieter

Omschrijving: STENA TRANSIT arriveert te Hoek van Holland, 24 juni 2023
Collectie: Inpijn, Pieter
Vervaardiger: Inpyn, Pieter

Omschrijving: STENA TRANSIT aan de veersteiger te Hoek van Holland, 24 juni 2023
Collectie: Inpijn, Pieter
Vervaardiger: Inpyn, Pieter