ALICE - ID 10738

In dienst
Onder Nederlandse Vlag tussen:0000-00-00 / 0000-00-00

Identification Data

Bouwjaar: 2013
Classification Register: Bureau Veritas (BV)
IMO nummer: 9677399
Nat. Official Number: 23608 Z 2013
Categorie: Cargo vessel
Voorstuwing: Motor Vessel
Type: General Cargo schip
Masten: Gearless
Material Hull: Steel
Dekken: 1
Construction Data

Scheepsbouwer: Scheepswerf Ferus Smit B.V., Westerbroek, Groningen, Netherlands
Werfnummer: 415
Launch Date: 2013-05-04
Delivery Date: 2013-06-07
Technical Data

Engine Manufacturer: Wärtsilä Italiana S.p.A., Trieste, Italy
Motor Type: Motor, Oil, 4-stroke single-acting
Number of Cylinders: 6
Power: 2649
Power Unit: BHP (APK, RPK)
Power kw: 1950
Eng. additional info: Wärtsilä Type 6L26F (260x320) 900 rpm.
Speed in knots: 11.5
Number of screws: 1
Gross Tonnage: 2556.00 Gross tonnage
Net Tonnage: 1453.00 Net tonnage
Deadweight: 5110.00 tonnes deadweight (1000 kg)
Grain: 210000 Cubic Feet
Length 1: 89.00 Meters Length overall (Loa BB)
Length 2: 84.99 Meters Length between perpendiculars (Lbp)
Beam: 13.35 Meters Breadth, moulded
Depth: 8.70 Meters Depth, moulded
Draught: 6.145 Meters Draught, maximum
Ship History Data

Date/Name Ship 2013-06-07 ALICE
Manager: Marin Ship Management B.V., Farmsum, Groningen, Netherlands
Eigenaar: Thun Alice B.V., Delfzijl, Groningen, Netherlands
Shareholder: Erik Thun A/B
Homeport / Flag: Delfzijl / Netherlands
Callsign: PCVA

Ship Events Data

2013-00-00: Nb. 415 (ALICE) is the first vessel in a series of 2 ‘Trollmax bulkers’ built for Erik Thun A.B. (2nd is the HELGE) These are bulk oriented general cargo ships specially dimensioned to exactly fit through the locks of the Trollhattan Canal, connecting the Vanern (large interior lake of Southern Sweden) with the Port of Goteborg at the North Sea. Thanks to a light high tensile steel hull construction and a very full hullform with a large bulb, the ships will carry an absolute maximum amount of cargo deadweight through the restricted dimensions of the canal and locks.


Omschrijving: ALICE
Collectie: Bos, Jan Hendrik
Vervaardiger: Bos, Jan Hendrik
Onderwerp: Tewaterlating

Omschrijving: Alice 2013 on transport from Westerbroek to Delfzijl the 3th June 2013.
Collectie: Olinga, Frits J.
Vervaardiger: Olinga, F.J. (Frits)

Omschrijving: Alice 2013 leaving Delfzijl for the second trial trip on River Eems the 4th June 2013.
Collectie: Olinga, Frits J.
Vervaardiger: Olinga, F.J. (Frits)
Onderwerp: Proefvaart

Omschrijving: Alice 2013 inbound Delfzijl, back from the second trial trip on River Eems the 4th June 2013.
Collectie: Olinga, Frits J.
Vervaardiger: Olinga, F.J. (Frits)
Onderwerp: Proefvaart

Omschrijving: ALICE, Trollhättan 17.7.2013
Collectie: -
Vervaardiger: Janus, Peter

Omschrijving: ALICE Aviles 19.8.2014
Collectie: -
Vervaardiger: Sangrin

Omschrijving: ALICE aan de Parkkade in Rotterdam 16 mei 2015
Collectie: Bolhuis, R.J. van (Riemer)
Vervaardiger: Bolhuis, Riemer J. van
Onderwerp: Kade

Omschrijving: ALICE Salhusfjorden 13.5.2017
Collectie: -
Vervaardiger: Egge, Arne Johan

Omschrijving: ALICE op 21-01-2022 op de Nieuwe Waterweg t.h.v. Maassluis.
Collectie: -
Vervaardiger: Blankwaard, Patrick